Close the Gap newsround (33)
This edition for October captures articles related to the gender pay gap and its causes, including pay discrimination and occupational segregation
100 Women: Why tech needs a makeover to attract girls
100 Women: Es Devlin on balancing work and home life
100 Women: Women gain as gender gap 'narrows'
The Guardian
Britain falls behind best developing countries as gender gap stays static
Marketing Week
Flexible working and disowning stereotypes will create more female CMOs
Orange News
Sexual Harassment 'Rife' at work, study says
PR Web
The Telegraph
Rising cost of raising a family means record numbers of women failing to save enough for a pension
China’s women professionals challenge workplace inequality
Gender pay inequality is still holding Australia back
Legislation driving eurozone slowly toward gender equality
Promoting gender equality in the mining industry
Women’s leadership skills needed
Portraits of Women in the Power Industry
Jersey gender discrimination law 'by July 2014'