Information for individuals
Equal pay
There is a 15% gap between men’s and women’s average hourly pay, which represents a lifetime of pay inequality for women.
It is not always easy to know if you are not being paid fairly and equally. This section provides information on why equal pay is important and where individuals can get support.
Pregnancy and maternity discrimination
Every year 54,000 women lose their jobs because of pregnancy and maternity-related discrimination.
In this section, you can find out more about your rights, and get practical information if you're pregnant, on maternity leave, or have returned to work.
Related publications
Close the Gap Working Paper 20: Gender pay gap statistics This paper provides the latest gender pay gap statistics for Scotland and revisits the complexities of measuring and reporting on the pay gap.
Everything you wanted to know about the gender pay gap but were afraid to ask This briefing aims to answer the most commonly asked questions about the pay gap.
Statutory Code of Practice on Equal Pay (Equality and Human Rights Commission) Laid before Parliament 27 July 2010.
Toolkit for Student Officers This toolkit is designed for student activists running equal pay campaigns on campus, and was developed in partnership with NUS Scotland.