Information for employers
Businesses benefit from taking steps to address the causes of pay gaps in their organisations. Companies that treat staff fairly are more productive, find it easier to attract and retain skilled staff, and ensure that they have a positive corporate image.
Addressing barriers to women’s representation at senior management level gives organisations confidence that the most skilled and talented individuals are in key decision-making roles. It also enables businesses to predict more accurately the needs and wants of their customers.
Organisations also benefit from developing transparent pay structures that are easy to maintain and to derive human resource management information from.
Reviewing pay structures mitigates the financial and reputational risks of employees bringing equal pay cases.
Close the Gap has successfully worked with businesses on a confidential basis to support them in identifying and addressing issues with pay and progression within their organisations.
In this section you will find information for:
Related publications
Close the Gap Working Paper 20: Gender pay gap statistics
This paper provides the latest gender pay gap statistics for Scotland and revisits the complexities of measuring and reporting on the pay gap.
Everything you wanted to know about the gender pay gap but were afraid to ask
This briefing aims to answer the most commonly asked questions about the pay gap.
Gender Equality Pays: The economic case for addressing women's labour market inequality
This paper presents research into the link between gender equality and economic benefit.
One year on and little change: An assessment of Scottish employer gender pay gap reporting
This briefing follows on from our 2018 assessment of employer gender pay gap reporting, examining the quality of 2019 reporting and analysing employer repsonses to their gender pay gaps.
Parliamentary briefing for Scottish Government debate on Empowering Young People’s Voices in Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls
Positive shifts, persistent problems: A five year analysis of Scottish employer gender pay gap reporting
Submission to Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into sexual harassment
Close the Gap's written submission to the UK Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into sexual harassment in the workplace.
Supplementary evidence to Women & Equalities Committee inquiry into the pay gap
This supplementary written evidence to the UK Women & Equalities Committee inquiry into the gender pay gap for women aged over 40 years focuses on recommendations for key stakeholders.
The Gender Penalty: Exploring the causes and solutions to Scotland's gender pay gap
This paper presents research which looks at the causes of Scotland’s gender pay gap, and how the causes have changed.
Women's sector response to the Gender Recognition Act consultation
Close the Gap worked with Engender, Scottish Women's Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland, Zero Tolerance and Equate Scotland to produce a joint response to the Scottish Government consultation on proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.