Close the Gap newsround (9)
This weeks newsround includes articles from the Herald, The Guardian and others. Topics include occupational segregation, gender stereotyping and equal pay.
Herald Scotland
MP calls for more female radio presenters on BBC
BBC News Manchester
Bury equal pay case: Council settles with dinner ladies
Financial Times
Richard Lambert on performance and pay
O'Donnell derides business approach to gender
The Guardian
Davos: if women are the future, where are they?
Hollywood women unite to break through the celluloid ceiling
Why are women stuck at 17% of top jobs?
Television 'misrepresents' young people and older women
Coast presenter Alice Roberts appointed professor of public engagement in science
The Telegraph
'BBC should be scutinised for sexism and ageism', says MP
Human Resource Magazine
Lehman sisters: is there a connection between gender and ethics?
International Women's Day - Women in Scotland 2012 - The Big Picture
Close the Gap will be speaking at Engender's Women in Scotland 2012 Conference being held on International Women's Day Wednesday 8 March in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, 10am-4.30pm
The event is an opportunity to take part in discussions around; gender budgeting, occupational segregation, welfare reform and poverty, childcare, women in the economy and many more issues. For more details about this FREE event click on the link above.
UK Resource Centre for Women in SET
UK Resource Centre for Women in SET are hosting workshops on Women's Enterprise in TV. There are various dates and venues in February and March.
Inspiring Women's Enterprise in TV - One day Workshop