
Close the Gap newsround (49)

This edition for September and October captures articles related to the gender pay gap and its causes, including pay discrimination and occupational segregation.


The Guardian

Move over Barbie: the cool kids are playing with Lego paleontologists

Five myths about unequal pay

Women working in low paid, insecure or temporary roles on the rise

Enough is enough: Why we all need to stand up to the gender pay gap

Emma Watson's UN gender equality campaign is an invitation to men, too

Flexible working: why do we treat it as a women-only issue?


BBC 'progress' in closing gender gap in local radio

The Independent

New mothers facing 'maternity discrimination' on their return to the workplace

These figures on women's pay got me wondering - how much has really changed in 40 years?


Bye, Barbie: Gender stereotyped toys on the way out as this new LEGO female paleontologist takes limelight


Tribunals gain power to order equal pay audits

The Scotsman

UK women forced into low-paid and insecure jobs

The Herald

'Outrageous' gender pay gap between managers widens

Equal pay must be a top priority

Police probe into 'unfair' fitness tests for female trainees


Tribunal fees denying harassed and abused workers access to justice


Iceland is running a gender- equality conference without any women

Women are better off today, but sill far from being equal with men

Only 7.4 percent of Japanese companies have female leader

Microsoft India launches WIT initiative to attract women into IT industry

Demolishing gender stereotypes: GoldieBlox toys build little girls' interest in engineering

To close the gender pay gap we need to end pay secrecy

Unequal pay for women: 'I was told men should make more'

Why women are ditching the engineering industry in droves

Ratio of women in aerospace unchanged for 20 years


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