Close the Gap - monthly international news (1)
Every month Close the Gap will capture news from around the world on the causes of the gender pay gap and equal pay. This includes issues such as occupaitonal segregation, gender equality in the labour market, flexibly working and much more. This edition covers January and February 2012
European Parliament news
Still much to do to redress gender inequality in the EU, says committee
Uganda: Daily Monitor
Policy alternatives needed to bridge gender gap for science courses
Swaziland: Swazi Observer
Gender inequalities lead to unequal development
The Australian - National Affairs
Julia Gillard-Equal Work, Equal Pay
Australia News
Equal pay day: Huge win for women 'could help close wage gap'
EQUAL PAY DAY: Huge win for women 'could help close wage gap'
Central Western Daily
Pay rise right on the money for workers
Australia: The Conversation
The reality of the gender wage gap
Voxy News
New Zealand women left behind on pay
Northern Rivers Echo
CBA wins Catalyst gender award
The India Times
Business Wire Ireland
Research and Markets: Salary & Compensation: ASTD's Learning and Development
The Irish Times
Great strides made towards gender equality but playing field is still not level
Hogan says gender balance proposals could change face of politics forever
Irish Independent
Maeve Dineen: Gender equality still has a long way to go at Davos
Irish women better qualified than men but earn less and work fewer hours - report
Sweden: Information Daily
Women Managers Make Proposals For Greater Gender Equality
The Gulf Today
Los Angeles Times:
Harvard News
Stop Tying Pay to Performance. The evidence is overwhelming: It doesn’t work.
The Sacromento Bee
Columbia Spectator
University stalling on salary gender gap
Breaking the Silicon Ceiling: Women Innovate Mobile
Think Progress Economy
Women Still Earn Far Less Than Men
North Carolina-News & Observer
N.C. job reductions hit women, minorities hardest
CTI Career Search
Study Shows Gender Gap In STEM Careers May Persist For A Century
New Jersey
Gender gap in N.J. women's pay deserves attention
Google - Associated Press
Women in Film celebrates female Oscar nominees
Opposing Views
White House Helping Break Glass Ceiling for Women & Girls
Cayman News Services
Times Colonist
Times Herald-Record
Miss Representation' spotlights gender bias
Canada The Province