Where to get help

There are a number of organisations that can advise you on equal pay and your employment rights.

Your trade union representative or shop steward will be able to provide you with information about what your trade union is doing to address the gender pay gap. They will also be able to advise you about your specific workplace.

To find out which union you should join, call the Scottish Trades Union Congress on 0141 337 8100 or email info@stuc.org.uk.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is a great source of information about equal pay and sex discrimination.

ACAS provides a wide range of advice on employment law and workers’ rights. Their helpline is available on 08457 47 47 47.

The Trades Union Congress also provides a range of resources on good employment practice.

Related publications

Statutory Code of Practice on Equal Pay (Equality and Human Rights Commission)Statutory Code of Practice on Equal Pay (Equality and Human Rights Commission) Laid before Parliament 27 July 2010.

Toolkit for Student OfficersToolkit for Student Officers This toolkit is designed for student activists running equal pay campaigns on campus, and was developed in partnership with NUS Scotland.

WiRES: How we succeeded togetherWiRES: How we succeeded together A report for members of Women in Renewable Energy Scotland network, about Close the Gap's project to develop the network, and deliver a mentoring programme.
